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#  Water column nitrate+nitrite and total dissolved nitrogen d15N
#   from HOT LAVA cruise, KOK1806
#  PI: Angela Knapp (FSU)
#  Version date: 18 June 2019
Station_Number  Towfish_or_CTD_profile_station  Depth  Date          Lat_N     Longitude_E  Karl_HI_NO3_NO2  Knapp_NO3_NO2_d15N  Knapp_NO3_NO2_d15N_std_dev  Knapp_NO3_NO2_d18O  Knapp_NO3_NO2_d18O_std_dev  Karl_TDN  Knapp_TDN_d15N  Knapp_TDN_d15N_std_dev  
1               CTD profile                     7.2    2018-07-14    19.447    -154.76      0.01             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          5.05      4.51            0.71                    
1               CTD profile                     26.8   2018-07-14    19.447    -154.76      0.00             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          5.02      2.89            0.08                    
1               CTD profile                     45.7   2018-07-14    19.447    -154.76      0.25             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          5.29      4.43            0.60                    
1               CTD profile                     75.1   2018-07-14    19.447    -154.76      0.07             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          5.03      4.37            0.49                    
1               CTD profile                     100.1  2018-07-14    19.447    -154.76      0.03             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          4.92      2.94            0.15                    
1               CTD profile                     125.1  2018-07-14    19.447    -154.76      0.01             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          5.02      3.43            0.15                    
2               CTD profile                     6.2    2018-07-14    19.450    -154.82      2.50             7.19                0.41                        4.22                0.57                        7.57      5.78            0.26                    
2               CTD profile                     26     2018-07-14    19.450    -154.82      2.06             7.52                0.10                        4.71                0.05                        7.46      5.74            0.18                    
2               CTD profile                     46.8   2018-07-14    19.450    -154.82      4.69             7.39                0.05                        4.52                0.19                        9.83      6.15            0.22                    
2               CTD profile                     77.1   2018-07-14    19.450    -154.82      0.22             6.56                0.28                        4.57                0.28                        5.05      3.29            0.00                    
2               CTD profile                     100.4  2018-07-14    19.450    -154.82      0.09             4.67                0.50                        4.43                0.16                        4.84      3.56            0.97                    
2               CTD profile                     126.5  2018-07-14    19.450    -154.82      0.93             5.91                0.06                        2.35                0.34                        6.05      5.20            0.16                    
3               CTD profile                     4.8    2018-07-14    19.423    -154.81      0.22             7.89                0.03                        6.39                0.22                        5.25      4.59            0.44                    
3               CTD profile                     26.6   2018-07-14    19.423    -154.81      0.06             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          5.07      4.02            0.96                    
3               CTD profile                     45.3   2018-07-14    19.423    -154.81      0.04             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          5.05      3.43            0.20                    
3               CTD profile                     76.2   2018-07-14    19.423    -154.81      0.03             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          4.99      2.80            0.14                    
3               CTD profile                     101.2  2018-07-14    19.423    -154.81      0.02             nd                  nd                          nd                  nd                          4.99      4.19            0.38                    
3               CTD profile                     126.3  2018-07-14    19.423    -154.81      0.16             3.41                0.10                        0.60                0.06                        4.84      3.84            0.86                    
4               CTD profile                     5      2018-07-14    19.373    -154.71      0.18             9.11                0.09                        6.74                0.10                        nd        nd              nd                      
4               CTD profile                     125    2018-07-14    19.373    -154.71      0.40             4.11                0.03                        -0.57               0.11                        nd        nd              nd                      
5               Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.427    -154.824     0.14             10.52               0.29                        7.27                0.09                        nd        nd              nd                      
6               Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.417    -154.829     0.18             9.93                0.22                        6.66                0.50                        nd        nd              nd                      
7               Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.417    -154.804     0.26             10.25               0.02                        7.15                0.84                        nd        nd              nd                      
8               Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.421    -154.807     0.53             11.47               1.21                        9.97                2.55                        nd        nd              nd                      
9               Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.423    -154.812     0.45             10.24               0.57                        8.92                1.60                        nd        nd              nd                      
10              Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.423    -154.814     0.42             10.65               1.09                        8.77                1.58                        nd        nd              nd                      
11              Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.423    -154.817     0.53             9.83                0.61                        7.82                1.99                        nd        nd              nd                      
12              Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.422    -154.819     0.83             9.91                0.88                        7.85                1.83                        nd        nd              nd                      
13              Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.425    -154.813     0.90             9.18                nd                          6.94                nd                          nd        nd              nd                      
14              Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.426    -154.810     0.91             9.45                nd                          6.72                nd                          nd        nd              nd                      
15              Towfish                         1      2018-07-14    19.427    -154.808     0.85             10.00               nd                          7.20                nd                          nd        nd              nd